Henk Verweij

Senior Consultant - Education Development & Management

With more than 45 years of experience, Henk Verweij brings a great wealth to Sudevo as one of its most valued experts.

After his graduation at the Wageningen Agricultural University Henk was an Associate Expert with FAO (UN Food and Agriculture Organization) in Cameroon and Tanzania. He also was responsible for the development of a laboratory for soil, plant and water analysis in the Jordan Valley. This 2-year programme was financed by the Dutch government.

After having been appointed as Chairman of the Board of Directors at Dronten Agricultural University of Applied Science, Henk was responsible for the development of the Aeres group, a merger of Dronten Agricultural University with a number of other institutes. The group includes 10 locations for prevocational, vocational and higher agricultural education in the Netherlands, offering a wide range of diploma, bachelor and master programmes. This consortium is a leading institute in the field of applied agricultural research and contract education in The Netherlands.  Henk was a Chairman of an external commission to evaluate Agricultural Education Policy in the Netherlands and he was the Project Director of Desert Development Center (NICHE, Netherlands Initiative for Cooperation Higher Education) with the American University in Cairo (Egypt) and worked on several projects in the African region.

He is currently occupied as the Chairman of assessment committee for the Orange Knowledge programme (NUFFIC, Netherlands) and a member in the Africa commission of VLIR-UOS (Flemish Inter University Development Cooperation).

Henk’s great professional contribution lead him to work in four different continents Asia, Africa, Europe & South America, giving him great knowledge about various cultures and robust international experience. He holds fluency in English, Dutch, German, and French languages. Henk has the answers when it comes to Educational Development, Water Management, Food security, Soil science & Agriculture.

Email: h.verwejj@sudevo.net

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